Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vocabulary Week 17

Listening to some people can be tortuous, just ask Ferris Bueller.

Despite their senescent years, the old couple still remained in love with each other.

My parents will be going to Boracay, Philippines this summer as well as other Asian countries which makes me wish I could go too so I can enjoy the tranquility of this place.

[e/c please!]
Because Takesheti Street, a popular shopping section of Harajuku, was very crowded Rachel told our group to stay in the proximity of this long and narrow street.
The parrot's imitability of my voice seemed to be somewhat irritating.

[e/c please!]
Before entering this super clean laboratory, I have to wear a shroud before entering also known as booties and a lab coat so that what I'm working with and the environment will not be contaminated.

[e/c please!]

Sometimes I have to work laboriously cleaning numerous bottles, diluting samples, or just inputing data at my internship.

[e/c please!]

Interminable means incaple of being terminated. I feel that this picture respresents that word since our close bond makes our friendship interminable.

imitability - capable or worthy of being imitated
interminable - incapable of being terminated
intuit - to know or receive by intuition
laboriously - equiring much work, exertion, or perseverance
proximity - nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation
reticence - disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved
senescent - growing old; aging
shroud - something that covers or conceals like a garment
situation - a place or locality
synchronously - occurring at the same time; coinciding in time
tortuous - not direct or straightforward, as in procedure or speech
tranquility - calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity



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