Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mother Denied Daughter's Organs

In this article, taken place in the UK, Rachel Leak describes the organ transplant regulations as ridiculous after being denied organ transplant from her own daughter, Laura Ashworth who died after an asthma attack. Though it was Laura's personal interest that her kidney be donated to her mother, her kidneys and liver were donated to 3 other people who were higher up on the waiting list. The Human Tissue Authority, who regulates the donation of organs and who they are allocated to stated that organs must be transplanted to those who need it most. Unlike in America, a person can't choose who to give their organ to, family or not. I feel that I agree with Rachel Leak as to why she thinks that the regulations should be changed since she has been experiencing liver failure for 7 years due to diabetes and it was her daughter's personal wish.



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